Questions and Answers


We are currently using another system for booking, can we migrate all bookings and member information to your system?


Yes. You can provide the data of the current system in a predefined format, we can migrate your data for free during the promotion period.


Our operation has some unique requirements that your system does not have, how could we get by with your system?


Our system may be flexible enough to accommodate your unique needs in some other ways. If it is not, we can customize the system to embed your requirements with a reasonable development cost.


We have multiple locations and members are allowed to book facilities in all locations. Can we manage all location bookings under one account?


Yes. Booking and member management of all locations can be managed in one panel for operational efficiency.


We are in the process of expanding the number of facilities in our sport center, can we add more facilities to the system when they are available for booking?


Yes you can add as many facilities as you want anytime.


Does the Check-In Panel automatically deduct tokens or court fees from members’ accounts?


Yes and No. Yes is that membership tokens are automatically deducted from members’ accounts every time check-in is read. No is that our system currently does not handle auto money deduction from members’ accounts. Monetary deposits or withdrawals can be done manually.


What equipment is needed for implementing the Check-In Panel?


Various types of member cards and card readers can be installed and configured to your computer. Both must be compatible with each other. Once installed, our web-based system can read data from the card readers and process accordingly. For further information, please contact us for information.


Can members make booking online themselves?


Online booking functionality is coming soon. Announcement will be made when it is available to the public. 


Our sport center provides various types of facilities which have unique booking criteria, can your system accommodate this situation?


Yes, our system can accommodate different types of facilities which have unique booking criteria and/or available time slots. Contact us to tell more about your requirements, solutions are surely available to meet your needs.


How long does it take to get an account up and running?


Once account payment is cleared, your account can be up and running in as quick as half an hour.

If you have further questions, you can contact us here